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“When I saw the scale of the destruction, I gave up”

views: 40

Svitlana remembers well the first attack on the thermal power plant where she works. In total, the plant has been attacked eight times since 2023. The last attack was the worst. But despite everything, Svitlana worked together with everyone to eliminate the consequences of the missile attack because without their TPP, civilians would be in great difficulty.

When quoting a story, a reference to the source – the Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation – is mandatory, as follows:

The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
2022 2023 2024 Video Civilian's stories women psychological injury shelling safety and life support Job the first day of the war
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