We have no gas in the city for two weeks, there are periods when we don’t have light and water. Our five-story building needs to be restored.
I lived on the first floor, and my neighbor lived on the second floor. Now there are no walls or ceilings between us.
There were no surviving apartments in this part of the house at all. A tank shell landed and brought down the ceiling.

Vitalyi was in the living room that night, and he said that a minute before the explosion, he felt an inexplicable alarm. His gut told him to leave. He also had combat experience in Afghanistan, where he lost a leg and was wounded.
A couple of seconds before the explosion, he went to the kitchen, to have a cup of tea. He went to the window to see what was happening – and was almost thrown out by the blast wave along with the window. And his room fell into my apartment.
Meanwhile, my 10-year-old daughter was practicing plying the piano. Dasha immediately became hysterical. She began to cry, to worry. I thought we wouldn't survive. We survived because a fallen slab blocked the entrance.