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Yana Dubovytska

"I can not imagine how to survive this winter in a ruined house"

views: 1013

I live with four children in a dilapidated house in the village right next to the front-line. My husband died a year and a half ago. Thus, I have no one to help me.

A few years ago, during heavy shelling, my husband was severely injured, but he survived. Six months later, he died protecting his own mother from an aggressive knife-wielding roommate. The blow went straight to the heart. I was left alone with four children.

Our house is being destroyed. The walls were cracked because of the shelling. Part of the house collapsed. The cold penetrates through these holes. So I cannot imagine how to survive this winter in a ruined house. We live only on child allowances. I take any job I can get to provide for my children. There is almost no way here,  in Novotroitske.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Novotroitske 2016 Text Civilian's stories
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