Together with her two children and husband, Anastasiia lived in a private house one kilometre from Azovstal. 

"We survived like everyone else. We barricaded the windows with shutters and pillows. Once, the child was sleeping in my arms, we were on the sofa. My mother-in-law was cooking outside. Suddenly, hot air and debris flew at me. I turned the child over, covered him, and pressed him into the sofa. I was afraid that I had suffocated him. The door was jammed. My father-in-law was bleeding. He was sitting in the kitchen opposite the window, having lunch. The bomb fell on the Red Cross building. I ran out and saw my neighbour coming. She had two daughters.

- Nataliia, where are the girls?

- No girls, no husband. 

One girl was brought to our house. She was covered with blood, unconscious. Then 7 out of 14 people died - children, women who were hiding in the basement," said Anastasiia, a resident of Mariupol.