We haven't been able to sleep in peace for two years. The shelling doesn't stop here even now. Now I go past the place where a shell hit a year ago very rarely. I would like to forget what happened, but I can't. I shiver every time I think about it.

On that day, our family came to visit us. We (the six of us) were sitting in the kitchen. Suddenly, the lights went out. The shelling started, and we didn't know if we would survive that. I don't remember anything else. Later, when I woke up, I was that my niece was lying on top of me. We had a real hysterical outburst.

All the windows in the house were blown out. Part of the roof was blown off. The hallway was damaged the most. If we were in it, no one would have survived.

Novotroitske is located a few kilometres from the checkpoint. It is often closed because of the armed hostilities. We fear for our lives every day. In the event of emergency, I and my husband Oleksandr hide between the back of the sofa and the wall. We are building a dug-out from the sofa and boards. When the bombardment begins, we lie down on the floor. We think that we have a chance to survive this way.

I often cry despite the fact that it affects my health badly. I am disabled. I was registered as a disabled person after I had a stroke. My husband also has disability. If the shelling starts, he will not have time to run to the nearest shelter.