I didn't have any money to pay for my daughter's school. We raised money for 1 September, asking people to help us. People shared. They gave everything they could. Angela went to the third grade, hoping to get "Good" and "Excellent". If only the shooting would stop.

The daughter recalls the conditions in which she had to study before. Once, after another attack, the entire city was left without power. There were times when she had to do lessons under a candle light.

We often talk to her about the world. My daughter asks me about the future, but I don't have an answer to this question. Who knows if we'll wake up tomorrow, so planning ahead is meaningless...

We barely have enough money for food, and there is nothing left for medicine. I am a disabled person of the second group. I suffer from epilepsy. I'm raising my daughter myself.

We live in the most shelled part of the city, the old part of Avdiivka. There were fragments of shells and had holes from the hits in the courtyard. Children go to school through destroyed houses.

They were hit heavily. Trees collapsed. Angela knows what to do in case of fire. However, if they suddenly start shooting abruptly, we are afraid to go to school.

They try not to think about the bad at school, but they are preparing for the worst. There are sandbags and boards in the windows. This is a necessary precaution.

Because of this, children learn in the dark, but if the attacks begin, some of the students will run here, and the rest will rush to the gym. The school has already come under Grad fire more than once.