Horlivka is a town  that was founded by Peter Horliv [a mining engineer, one of the pioneers in the development of coal deposits in the Donbass]. I live on Pobedy Avenue. There's no shooting there yet.

At first I left Horlivka for a short time, and then I came to my grandmother in 2015, and we were stuck under fire. We went down to the floor below, where I met my best friend.

They fired for about two days, and when they said there would be a truce at twelve o'clock, I just sat there and looked at my watch. Two nights and one day.

We have one house bombed, a shell hit. One of our windows was blown out. At first, about two years, there was just a lot of glass lying around. If you ride a bike there, that's all, there is no bike.

The war ... it's better not to talk about it at all. Just so that people don't know about it, all these fears and horrors. When you don't know if a shell will hit your house or not. It is very terrible. I then coming back to my senses from it for another month.

We try to forget, that's all. As if it wasn't there. I was in hell for two years, and then everything became more or less normal.