Our family had three children, my mother raised us alone, since my father went to fight at the frontline. I am the youngest child in the family. He studied at a mining technical school, after which I went to work in a mine. All my adult life I worked at the mine named after Abakumov.

I married a beautiful woman, we have been together with her for over forty years. We raised two wonderful children, a son and a daughter, we helped them to raise three charming granddaughters to their feet, and God gives us strength to help in raising our great-granddaughters.

 We lived gorgeously until one day the war came to our city. During these difficult years that the hostilities have been going on, we have given a lot of effort, time and money to survive.

Shells flew to our courtyard, and they also flew to neighbors. It was very difficult for us old people to survive in such situations. In one of the shelling of the city, our house became almost uninhabitable.

The son had to take us to him. Certainly, it was very difficult for us, all finances were spent on paying for utilities, purchasing coal and firewood for the winter.

But trouble never comes alone, the son and daughter-in-law were left without a livelihood, since there was no job, and we all lived on our pension. Then at the end of 2016, a shell also hit the house of my son. So, now we have to live in a rented apartment.

Many thanks and deep bows to Rinat Akhmetov personally and his “Here to Help” Foundation for the help they provide to us and to people who find themselves in such difficult situations that they do not forget about us, elderly people, disabled people.

May God grant everyone health and a peaceful sky above.