My daughter Vlada has a toy lion, which she calls her mascot. When she ran away from the shelling last year, she held it in her hands. And now she does not let it go.

We would like to erase February 2015 from our memory forever. My daughter and I were going to a doctor's appointment.

Suddenly the shelling started. I shouted: "Vlada, run, hide!” She reached the steps of the clinic-and in front of her, a shard hit one of the steps.

She saw that step literally explode, stopped, and said she wasn't going anywhere.

We hid in the basement and were sitting  there for several hours. Because of the shock, the daughter did not even realize that she was injured. Shrapnel hit her in the back. We went to the Department and only there, undressing, saw that Vlada was wounded in the shoulder, all the clothes were covered in blood.

She had a surgery, but terrible memories still torment her. She only falls asleep with me.