Before the beginning of hostilities, our village was the most prosperous and richest in the area and region. There were hospitals, schools, kindergartens, a House of Culture in our village. There was a quarry in which sand and gravel were mined, where millions of people worked.

There was "Agricultural machinery" factory, where they repaired equipment: combines, tractors, trucks, KamAZ trucks. There was also a garage where locksmiths, electricians, and loaders worked. In his career, my dad worked as an equipment mechanic, my mom worked in a store and the House of Culture as a cleaner.

“We have a tradition to greet our guests with bread and salt”
In our village there is a wonderful House of Culture, in which before the war there were knitting, dancing, and crafts groups. Before the war, I began to study music and vocals. My first teacher was a wonderful woman, Larisa Nikolaevna Topalova. I started performing on the big stage. My sister and I traveled with groups around the district, around the region.
We have a tradition in our village - to greet our guests with bread and salt. Every year we hold the “Panair” holiday, which falls on the Day of Constantine and Helen. These are the heavenly defenders of our village, who protect us from grief and troubles.
May 9 is a “holiday with tears in our eyes” - and we celebrate the New Year with our family. We put flowers at the Memorial to the Fallen soldiers. A festive concert is taking place. There is also a village holiday, for which we are preparing a concert program. On Shrovetide, we ignite a figurine and spring. This is how our holidays were celebrated before the war.
Every summer on vacation I went to my aunt in Donetsk for the whole summer. I have been to Crimea with mom and dad.
"Adults and little children were killed"
In 2014, the war broke out unexpectedly on our land.

Then in our village mines and shells were exploded, there was damage in a large house, broken windows, craters from shells.
People were forced to leave their homes. People who were left without a roof over their heads hid in basements. Civilians were injured, adults and little children were killed.

Now our children are very frightened. We often hear shots, explosions of artillery shells in the distance. Trying not to run to the basement right now.

Neighbors and volunteers help us to rebuild houses
In Donbass, from 2014 to 2015, for those whose houses were destroyed, relatives and families of the village died, who lost a roof over their heads, volunteers help to restore their houses. They bring slate, glass roofing material, cement.
Rinat Leonidovich Akhmetov, this wonderful kind person, helps with food sets and medications. The Rinat Leonidovich Foundation provides psychological assistance to children affected by shelling.
The shelling continued for days and nights, artillery hit our village - at the "Agricultural machinery", at our infrastructure.
Children didn't go to school because there was no electricity
In 2014, our small school was destroyed, the House of Culture, into which shells and mines were flying, was badly damaged. Residents were forced to leave, abandon their homes because of the hostilities. In 2014, our children stayed at home, did not go to school, because there was no electricity in our village for two months.
In 2017, people began to gradually return to their homes. Now life is getting better in our village, a school, kindergartens, the council are working; dance and vocal groups were restored.

In 2014, when the war began, I became a helper of the Rinat Akhmetov Charitable Foundation. We helped people to survive.
We hope that the war will end and peace will come to Donbass.