My husband and I were working on our farm. No pain was anywhere, nothing anywhere. Such a man he was - healthy. There was heavy shelling in November. Once he rode a bicycle, got there, and a sniper was sitting near the cemetery. He [the man] was riding a bicycle, and the sniper was shooting like this. He arrived home – nothing happened, okay. I went to the night [shift], and he went to the morning [shift] on the second day. And at 12 o'clock in the afternoon I got a call that he was dead… I just got up, took a step, and fell - and that's it… Right at work.
And in January Vostochny was bombed in the morning. We were [bombed] closer to noon. I was going to go to night [shift], there were about 12 such explosions! The house was shaking, the windows were falling!.. I sat like this.

Then it calmed down… As soon as I came out, I immediately saw that the house was broken, there were no windows.
I looked at the barn (we built the barn, because we thought we would retire - [everything] will be new). We gathered those pennies to build it, some farm, some cow, something… Chickens were torn apart, geese were jumping… There were intestines hanging, the kitchen was completely broken, there was a tank here, it all fell like that, roughly knocked out, the window then flew away… The door was shattered into small pieces, and that's it. I even went to bed myself, because no one wanted to come here ...
And all that for five years is a kind of hard labor. You know, there was some life, there was some quarrel, some interest, something, and then everything went like that, at one point it was crossed out. Do you understand?!

In just two months, everything disappeared!
They don't seem to shoot, do they? It feels like something is missing. They don't shoot, so something will happen. That's how it is, then it will explode, that's how we live. We live on credit; in this store they sell stuff in debt. We will receive a pension – we’ll carry it to them, we’ll give, and so we make it.
Thanks to Rinat Leonidovich, for this humanitarian aid, mostly it’s with the products that we have problems in our area. We are always waiting for him, as for God, it’s like a find, do you understand? People are happy about it.
We have some retirees, everyone has a small pension, and such prices… What can you buy for them?! I have 1630 hryvnas, how can you survive on it?!
I had to buy fuel and some medications, but wat to eat?!

So, everyone is waiting for it, everyone: I haven't heard when he will give it, and you haven't heard? And here, you understand, people really wait for it. Thank him, God bless him. We wouldn't have survived without him, because he doesn't refuse anyone, well done!
Well, I wish that our pensioners would have some good life, at least a little bit…