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Denis Ivaniuk

"I want to see my grandfather most of all"

views: 1307

I had a lot of friends in Almaznaya, and I was happy there. I had a three-story school in Almaznaya. There were about 300-something people in the school.

I have two sisters, and I'm the eldest.

The first time we heard [the explosion] was when we were in the woods. We saw a big bomb go off.

My cousin Masha's house was hit by a bomb. Well, everything went well, it didn't explode.

I'm very scared and worried. I am especially scared and afraid to be attacked. 

You know, I take war seriously. You need to protect your sisters, older and younger. We must protect everything.

War for me is fear, loss, and a lot of other bad things.

Most of all, I miss my home, the forest, and my grandfather and all relatives.

But mostly I miss everything. And most of all I want – we don't see my grandfather now-I would like to see my grandfather. My grandfather gave me a fishing rod this summer. My mother will bring it when she arrives.

I dream of returning home so that the war will end and not start. Well, also I want to move home, so that everyone was safe, alive.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Almazna 2014 Video Civilian's stories children moving psychological injury shelling safety and life support Separation from loved ones
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