In 2015, when I was walking from school, there was a tree 300 meters away, and a woman was doing something near it. Three minutes later, when she left, I heard a powerful explosion right where the woman was sitting. The oak tree was blown away by the blast wave!
Two weeks after this incident, I went to a friend's birthday party past a football field. There was this woman walking there. I turned my head in her direction when a shell exploded near her. The woman was thrown into a tree. He body was torn to pieces. I WAS VERY SCARED!
A year after these incidents, I was walking on my playground when a shell hit the roof of the house where my grandmother lives. It hit the apartment my grandmother lived in. And then it turned out that the shell hit my neighbour's apartment.
I am glad that the shooting attacks have stopped. However, it is a pity that the war hasn't ended yet...