Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, more than 250 Azovstal workers have been killed in Mariupol. Within the Metinvest Group, the number of those killed exceeded 700. That information was provided by Ivan Holtvenko, Director for HR and Social Affairs at KAMET-STEEL. In February and March 2022, he worked at Azovstal Iron and Steel Works.  

“The first missile hit the heavy plate shop. We realized that the damage was irreversible. The plant turned into a fortress. Azovstal was the last place on the territory of the city that was controlled by Ukraine,” says Ivan Holtvenko.

On February 28, a decision was made to shut down the entire plant. 2.5 thousand people were involved in that process. The plant stopped for the first time in half a century. Up to eight thousand people were hiding in its bomb shelters. The last 700 civilians left the plant in May.